Happy Earth Day

Happy Earth Day

A quick little drawing in honor of Earth Day today. I’ve recently been thinking about re-doing my website, something I always think about doing every year when it comes up for renewal at this time, but I think the first thing I should do is use my blog more! And then maybe I can decide…

Fat Bear Week!

Fat Bear Week!

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! It’s fall, of course, which is the very best season, and we’re a month away from Halloween, which is the very best holiday. But it’s also Fat Bear Week, which is the best. What is Fat Bear Week, you ask? Well, it’s a celebration of all the…

Brand New

Brand New

It’s a brand new website! After hastily putting together a very nice looking website last summer, I’ve been wanting to re-organize the website a little bit. My original plan a month or so ago was to simply swap some things around rather quickly, but me being me, I couldn’t do things the simple way.